Terms & Condition

Clas Mild is an online media and social community platform. Clas Mild provides a service to share content online through all Clas Mild platforms (website and cellular website). This page covers the “Terms and Condition” for the use of Clas Mild platform and services. This Terms and Condition is a legal binding agreement between you the User and Clas Mild concerning your usage of Clas Mild platform and services. By accessing and using Clas Mild services or platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this Terms and Condition. If you do not agree to the Terms and Condition, you may not access or use Clas Mild services or platform.


Registration and Usage of this Site

Clas Mild services and platform are intended for those who are at least 18 years old and live in Indonesia. When you register yourself to Clas Mild, you have to provide information about your name, date of birth, email address, and active cell phone number. Your information may be used for the purposes of communication, promotion, and offers regarding Clas Mild products via electronic or other means (text messages). You may use Clas Mild services and platform only if you agree to bind yourself to the contract of agreement as stated in the Terms and Condition. You may agree to the contract by clicking the accept Terms and Condition button that appears when you register.


Changes in Terms and Condition

Clas Mild may unilaterally change or revise the Terms and Condition at all times, and by using Clas Mild services and platform, you automatically agree to bind yourself to those changes or revisions.


Usage of this Site’s Materials or Contents

Clas Mild platform and all its content belong to Clas Mild, or its licensors, and are protected by copyright, trademark, other intellectual property rights laws, and other laws in Indonesia. By posting your material or content on Clas Mild platform, you give non-exclusive and royalty-free license limited for the purpose of operation and use of Clas Mild services and platform. This license may be used to store, display, modify, and distribute your content on Clas Mild, and it is done only for the whole purpose of operation and use of Clas Mild services and platform. Clas Mild has the right to delete or modify user’s material or content for any reason, especially user’s material or content that violates the Terms and Condition.


Intellectual Property Rights

Clas Mild requires all its users to respect other users’ intellectual property rights. Users are prohibited from doing anything pertaining to copying or reproducing, distributing, and exploiting every material or content for any purpose without written permission from the original owner of the material or content (other user).


Statement and Warranties

Users who access or use Clas Mild services or platform hereby state and warrant all of the followings:

i. All materials and contents of each user are original work, or the user has received all rights, licenses, consent, and permission required to use the materials and contents;

ii. Each user is fully responsible for all their materials and contents. Therefore, user warrants and holds harmless Clas Mild from and against all obligation and responsibility, including and not limited to claims, either legal claims, damages, losses, or other claims from any party regarding materials and contents uploaded to Clas Mild platform;

iii. Users who own their original material or content, or who have received all rights, licenses, consent, and permission to the material or content, give Clas Mild the authority and right to use, upload, reproduce, distribute, publicly display, provide, and communicate the material or content to the public through Clas Mild platform;

iv. Users have received each and every required consent, permission, and/or release from each and every individual appearing in your content to include their name, voice, performance, or preference in your content and to publish them on the platform and using services related to Clas Mild;

v. Users’ material or content, including every comment you post on Clas Mild platform, must not be and will not be against the law, offensive, violent in nature, illegal in nature, damaging, lewd, racist, sexually explicit, ethnically or culturally offensive, harassing or insulting, promoting violence, terrorism, or criminal activities, and encouraging hatred based on race, gender, religion, and/or sexual orientation;

vi. Users are not allowed to use Clas Mild platform for political purposes, including and not limited to posting political content in the forms of text, photo, video, and others in user’s content in Clas Mild platform.

vii. Users’ material or content does not and will not cause any liability to Clas Mild, its sponsors, its investors, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, its successors and assigns, and its employees, agents, directors, commissioners, officials, and/or stakeholders.

Clas Mild has the rights to delete each user’s content, temporarily suspend or terminate user’s access to Clas Mild services and platform, including and not limited to taking legal steps should any user’s material or content is deemed to have violate other party’s rights or break any law or regulation, and violate part or all provisions set forth and agreed upon in the Terms and Condition.


Limitations of Liability

You are liable to any risks arising from using this site. Clas Mild and its affiliates explicitly disclaim any responsibility for any, both explicit and implicit, indemnification. You also warrant that material or content available in this site does not violate copyright and all intellectual property rights; that access to this site will not be compromised or will be fault-free; that this site will be secure; that this site or servers used to provide this site will be free of virus; or that information provided to this site will be complete, accurate, or updated. Should you download any material from this site, you do so at your own discretion and at your own risk. Any damage to your computer system or data loss caused by downloading material from this site will be your own responsibility. In addition, you are also liable for covering any cost of service, reparation, or repair required for any damage that you cause for everything you do in Clas Mild platform. You understand and agree that Clas Mild, and its affiliates and subsidiaries, cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect indemnification caused by or related to your usage or disuse of the site, or by any action taken by Clas Mild, or by Clas Mild’s negligence to take action as a result of your communication with Clas Mild.



By law, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Clas Mild, its parent companies, stakeholders, sponsors, investors, partners, directors, commissioners, employees, and agents from and against all claims, damages, obligations, losses, expenses, liabilities, and costs resulting from: (i) your use or access of Clas Mild; (ii) your violation of one or more provision in the Terms and Condition; (iii) your violation of third party’s rights, including and not limited to, copyrights, property rights, or privacy rights; or (iv) all claims that your material or content causes damages to a third party. You hereby indemnify and undertake to keep indemnified according to the Terms and Conditions as long as you use Clas Mild services and platform.

Indemnity in the Terms and Condition includes indemnity against errors, negligence, interferences, faults, discrepancies, lateness, computer virus, loss of profits, loss of data, unauthorized access to or changes in your transmission and data, and other tangible and intangible losses.


Governing Law

The terms and condition and your use of Clas Mild service and platform shall be governed by the laws of Indonesia. You, who reside in Indonesia, are obliged to agree on all exclusive governing law from Indonesian courts for every legal action required to put this Term and Condition in effect.


Contact Us

You hereby agree to receive all and any communication (notice, agreement, disclosure, and others) from Clas Mild. You may contact Class Mild with any question you might ask concerning Terms and Condition on the help feature in Clas Mild platform.